Alternative Treatment For Childhood Diseases

The colostrum in breast milk adds to this protection so that breastfed babies are protected until their own immune system develops and they are better able to cope with an illness. This is why most ...

The colostrum in breast milk adds to this protection so that breastfed babies are protected until their own immune system develops and they are better able to cope with an illness. This is why most common childhood diseases tend to affect children as they get older. Many children get through them without any form of medical intervention. If treatment is required it is necessary to assess which one is most suited to the child's symptoms. If concern about the child's health persists, seek professional advice.CoughsCoughing helps to expel naturally congested phlegm or inhaled dust from the lungs. It may be caused by an infection or an irritant.TreatmentKeep the child in a warm environment and offer a soothing linctus made from hot lemon juice, a teaspoonful of honey, and some glycerin (glycerol). Herbal Medicine Make an infusion of white horehound or wild cherry bark. Give half a teaspoonful three times a day.Aromatherapy Add 2 to 3 drops of eucalyptus, thyme, cypress, or sandalwood oil to hot water. Use as an inhalation for 10 minutes.Glue EarA discharge of thick yellow mucus from the ear and some loss or impairment of hearing, usually after ear or viral infections, are symptoms of this condition. Cases of glue ear have increased over the last decade or so, and some alternative therapists believe that the condition is a side effect of immunization.TreatmentConventional medical treatment may include an operation to inserr small drainage tubes called grommets in the affected ear. If this becomes necessary, alternative therapies such as homeopathy can help support the child before and after the operation.Diet and NutritionMucus-producing foods such as cows' milk and sugar are key culprits for this condition. Replace these foods with soybean milk or goats' milk, and introduce more fruit and vegetables into the diet.Herbal MedicineApply 2 to 3 drops of golden seal, Pulsatilla, or mullein oil three times daily to the ear.HomeopathyGlue ear responds well to Pulsatilla 30c.Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:Cranial Osteopathy This can be helpful.
