The Ten Commandments of Attitudes For Success

Leaders are made, not born. Although many are gifted with an innate or natural ability to assess the ... devise a course of action and then ... it, not all are so ... In today's so

Leaders are made, not born. Although many are gifted with an innate or natural ability to assess the situation, devise a course of action and then implement it, not all are so fortunate. In today's society, where do we turn to develop leadership skills.

Where are our leaders? Where are the examples that set the standard for excellence? TV and movie stars, sports figures, political personalities, or corporate executives; many look to these to emulate.

More and more of our young men and women, who will be tomorrows leaders, are looking for something other than the sex and violence, lies and under-handedness, back room deals, and scandalous lives of those who seem to get the most press.

Many of them are reaching for the stars and already excelling in many of life's arenas. They are not satisfied with the mundane. They know to be your best, you must assume a leadership role. They have found the laws that govern leadership.

You've heard it said, "Practice makes perfect." But are you aware of the fact this is a false statement. If what we are practicing is imperfect, what we become is imperfect. So the truth is "Perfect practice makes perfect."

This is the reason so many of those whom we look to for guidance are failing in front of our eyes leaving many disillusioned. They have discovered the laws of leadership and achieved some great things in life, but failed to develop the proper core values which determine the strength of ones character.

It's our personal core value system from which we pull the strength of character to not follow the same path that are leaders took to bring about their demise.

Since the purpose of our existence is to make a life, it's essential we also develop the right attitude. With the right attitude we can be taught the core values upon which we will base our decisions in life while following the leadership skills we develop to obtain and maintain success in all our relationships.

This applies to both personal and professional interests. Let us explore the Laws of Success and Failure, as this will show us what attitudes are and how they are developed.

These are sometimes referred to as The Laws of Life and Death, Positive and Negative Forces, Light and Darkness depending on which author's work you are studying. Though they appear to be similar, they are not the same. More on this later.

Life is all that which has to do with well-being, wholeness, or enlightenment; be it body, soul or spirit. True lasting success in life is based upon living your life grounded in Truth.

Death is all that which destroys; body, soul or spirit. Fear (anxiety, despair, poverty, nervousness, sickness, etc) is the force of Death. Failure comes when we base our decisions in life upon lies and deceptions.

Note: There are no half-truths. It's either true (leading to life) or false (a lie, leading to death), right or wrong.

You may or may not believe this. However, believing something doesn't necessarily make it so. These are laws and it matters little whether we choose to believe them or not, they still are and that makes them truth (Life). Acting in agreement with the law or truth, can be related to acting in faith.

You may not believe in the law of gravity but if you choose to step over the side of a cliff the outcome of that decision will still be the same.
This brings up another point we must take into consideration. The matter of choice. We all have been given the power of choice. This action determines the results of our decisions. Success or failure.
If we choose to act upon our unbelief or though ignorance and make that step off the cliff we have become very successful, although the results are less than our expectations. The law is always in operation.

In surmising this pay close attention to the progression of each pathway of choice. You can clearly see where life and death, successes or failures as many would say, are a direct result of our decisions.

1. Truth or Fiction- Agree or Disagree
Leaders know the path which leads to life is acting upon or in agreement with the law or laws God has set-up to govern the matter at hand, in this case for success in life.

This is the proper exercise of faith, for everyone has faith. It is an action. It is to reckon, consider and depend upon what God says over and against previous knowledge, experience, or feelings.

This is also an exercise of our will (freedom of choice;) therefore everyone can believe and come into agreement with God's law, which is positive, in turn leading to positive outcomes or success in life and life itself.

Fiction or disagreement is unbelief. or believing a lie. Fear is the negative action of faith, or depending upon, reckoning or counting upon a deception as though it were true. This leads to our failures in life or death itself.

2. Our Thoughts Have Power.
The thoughts we have, come from basically three places: God, Ourselves, or the devil. We are to guard our thoughts so they are continually in alignment with God's Laws. This is where your freedom of choice is most important.

Renew your mind with what God has to say about the matter and learn to be selective. Choose to entertain only those thoughts which will keep you on the course of obtaining your goals and fulfillment of your life's purpose.

3. Where Attitudes Are Formed.
Leaders also know that the thoughts we choose to entertain begin to form patterns. This is why it is a good habit to meditate. These habitual thought patterns are commonly called ATTITUDES. These attitudes determine your character and are displayed in your personality.

If your life's successes are less than you want them to be; here is something leaders have discovered and put into action in their lives. Attitudes, like character, are not easily changed. They determine your emotional wellness and can only be changed by changing you thoughts.

4. The Part Emotions Play
As stated, emotions or "feelings" result from attitude. Emotions must be controlled at the source or root by choosing to think true thoughts which are in agreement with God's laws. Remember, those are the thoughts which will keep you on the course of obtaining your goals and fulfillment of your life's purpose.

Also, bear in mind, as emotional beings we tend to be led or guided by our feelings. We equate feelings with reality. To many, reality is that which is comfortable. Leadership involves knowing we are to be controlled by our will, our freedom of choice. That is why leaders are called upon to make the 'tough' decisions. True leaders will do the right thing even when it is uncomfortable to do so.
They know what a man or women chooses to believe is what they really are. Feelings must be brought under control. Feelings should be validated, but true love is a choice.

5. Where Your Heart Is; There Lay Your Treasure
Our feelings are what motivate us to action. These actions are called Behaviors. Any person is capable of any act when the emotions are aroused and the circumstances are just right for that act.

It is impossible to change some bad behavior patterns we developed in life without first correcting the "false-hoods" upon which the attitudes were formed, arousing the feelings from which the behavior springs.

In the areas we are lacking or not achieving the desired results in our lives we can consequently change our thoughts which will lead to new attitudes and a correction of a behavior. Success.

6. Faith or Fear
These are the two most powerful forces governing human behavior. We are either standing in Faith or Fear. Faith is the positive action upon a belief, while fear is operating in unbelief. I know I covered this, but it so important I thought it would only be right to reiterate it before closing. We must choose faith to achieve real success in life.

7. The Ultimate Standard of Excellence
The principles outlined above will be helpful to anyone seeking to improve themselves and get more out of life. Many with emotional, physical, mental or spiritual problems have found them to be a good place to start on the road to recovery.

None the less, it would be futile to speak of any in depth 'healing' or lasting benefits unless the spirit of that person has first been 'healed.'
True and lasting healing must take place from within, for the spirit of man is the essence of man. Therefore, everything begins in the spirit, is channeled through our souls (our minds, wills, and emotions) and brought into this 3-D world of understanding through our bodies.

Since this is a discussion on leadership, I want to draw attention to the greatest leader who ever lived. He has influenced more lives than all the kings who ever ruled, presidents who ever presided, or government that ever governed.

His name is Jesus. Even time itself is chronicled upon His birth. There is only one way to receive spiritual health from which all other wellness springs and that is through receiving Life itself in the person of Jesus Christ.

As we base our life on the patterns and principles He lived and taught while on this earth, most of the emotional problems in life dissolve. As we continue to learn His ways and apply them to our lives we make wiser decisions and therefore obtain and maintain more meaningful lasting relationships.

As we practice the true leadership skills He gave us we accomplish more and impact more lives of those around us in a positive way achieving the desired success we are seeking.
As we meet the needs of others and help them become more successful we are a success.

Some Attitudes For Leadership
1. It is Attitude, not Aptitude, which governs Altitude.

2. The Purpose of Existence is to Make a Life, not Just a Living.

3. A Positive Thought is the Down Payment on an Obligation to Succeed.

4. Regrets Stem from Those Things We Failed to Attempt, So Keep Trying.

5. Complaining is the Refuge of Those Who Have no Reliance from Within.

6. The Amount of Life You Exchange for Something, Determines it's Ultimate Cost.

7. Anything the Mind of Man Can Conceive and Believe, Can Be Achieved with the Right Action.

8. To Try and Have Failed is More Honorable Than the Life Spent Doing Nothing.

9. The Worst Bankruptcy is the Person Who Has Lost Enthusiasm.

1. Nobody Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.

Copyright - Gaylon L. Avery Reprint permission granted with this footer included.
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