The 5 Inner Enemies That Will Stop You From Achieving Your Goals

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.

We aren't born that way nor do we mean to be that way, but
it can often come about because of our past experiences,
what someone may have told us, what we've read in the
papers and then without realising, we develop these inner
enemies. How many of them can you identify with?

(1) The Confused Indecision-maker
You will often hear the Confused Indecision-Maker
complaining about the way things are, and how much better it
would be if things were different. It's often "someone
else's" fault too. But if you stopped them and asked, "What
do you want then?" they usually find it hard to give you an
answer. They know what they don't want, but they don't know
what they do want. As a result, they don't make decisions
that will take them closer to what they want, nor do they
recognise it when what they want is staring them between the

(2) The Historian
There are three aspects to the Historian. The first is that
historians think that because it hasn't happened in the past
or that they haven't made it happen in the past, that it
won't happen in the future. The second aspect is that they
keep on thinking with the same mindset as in the past, and
so never begin to see things with a new perspective or come
up with new ideas. And the third is that they are
continually bemoaning how wonderful things were in "the good
old days" that they fail to notice what's good about today.

(3) The Doubting Thomas
One of the favourite utterances of the Doubting Thomas is,
"See! I told you so!" The Doubting Thomas is the person who
either thinks that it can't be done or that they can't do
it. So they don't put any effort into getting what they
want, and then, when it doesn't happen, they get to be
right! At other times, the Doubting Thomas may well put
effort into getting what they want, but then spend their
time worrying about it and wondering if it will ever happen.
This causes them to feel stressed and tired.

(4) The Scaredy Cat
Part of the "price" for achieving our goals is to move
outside of our comfort zone and to do some new things that
we may not have undertaken before. The reward is that this
helps us to grow as a person. It takes us to new heights,
while also enabling us to experience adventure and fun. The
Scaredy Cat though, will prefer to stand on the sidelines,
watching others do what they do and marvel at how courageous
and clever other people are. Often, Scaredy Cats are great
at cheering others on, and they may "excuse" themselves for
not venturing out of their comfort zones by being "modest".
But deep down, they may secretly wish that they were brave
enough themselves too if only they could overcome their
fear of failure.

(5) The Scatterbrain
"Roll up, roll up! This is the latest and the greatest!" So
the Scattergun diverts their attention yet again to the
latest good idea and that becomes their new goal. The
trouble is that they haven't allowed sufficient time for
their earlier ideas to germinate and to take root, not to
mention taking appropriate action, before they are off
again, chasing the next rainbow.

So, be willing to meet your enemies face to face! Greet
them! Thank them for having been there in the past, but now
be courageous enough to bid them good-bye. And in their
place, embrace the person you want to become.
